History Lesson

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In 2007, after having lost her Mother to cancer and the subsequent cancer diagnosis of her Brother and many friends, Anita and husband Kelly Brown,  decided it was time to do something to make a difference for those affected by cancer in their lives.

Kelly started contacting fellow parrot head friends with the idea of putting together a music festival to raise awareness and raise money for organizations that support families affected by cancer. And so, in an effort to honor and remember our friends and loved ones, Angels in Tropical Shirts was born.

'Dammit' Earl Sanders, Jon 'Boy' Burns, Peggy Wright joined Kelly and Anita Brown to form the organizing committee of AITS.


The inaugural Angels in Tropical Shirts was help on December 29, 2007 in Kemah, Texas at the

Was a HUGE success! Thanks to all who help us raise
over $10,000 for Gilda's Club!


Kelly and Anita Brown present a check for $10,400 at Gilda's Club Board of Directors meeting 1/11/08



The second Angels in Tropical Shirts was held on November 24, 2008 in Lake Charles, Louisiana. at the Lake Charles Convention Center. Gary Primreaux and the phock of the Pelican Coast Parrot Head Club were our hosts for the day-long event.

Thanks to all our phriends, we were able to raise $6,500 for the Ethel Precht Breast Cancer Foundation http://www.ethelbreastcancerwalk.org/.

(c) The Lake Charles American Press.

Gary Primreaux present a check for $6,500 to Founder, and cancer survivor, Ethel Precht. Read the commendation from Louisiana State Senator, Willie Mount.



The third Angels in Tropical Shirts was held on September 12, 2009 in Gun Barrel City, Texas. at the GBC Barrel. Molly Pyle, Robert Render and the phlock of the Cedar Creek Lake Parrot Head Club were our hosts for the day-long event.

Thanks to all our phriends, we were able to raise $10,400 for the Courtney Howard Foundation http://www.freewebs.com/chfsite/.

Read the article in the Sept 17th issue of the Cedar Creek Pilot



The fourth Angels in Tropical Shirts was held on September 22, 2012 in Seven Points, Texas. at Whatz Up Family Fun Park. Molly Pyle, Robert Render and the phlock of the Cedar Creek Lake Parrot Head Club were once again our hosts for the day-long event.

Thanks to all our phriends, we were able to raise $14,600 for the The Center for Cancer and Blood Disorder (CCBD) at Children's Medical Center Dallas and The LieoMyoSarcoma Foundation.


The fifth Angels in Tropical Shirts was held on September 21, 2013 in Seven Points, Texas. at Whatz Up Family Fun Park. Robert Render and the phlock of the Cedar Creek Lake Parrot Head Club were once again our hosts for the day-long event.

Thanks to all our phriends, we were able to raise $10,500 for the The Mary Crowley Cancer Research Center Read the artical in Mary Crowley Research Center's newsletter.


The first Angels in Tropical Shirts Charity Golf Tournament was held September 10, 2016 at Kings Creek Golf Course in Kemp, Texas. We had generous donations from sponsors in the Cedar Creek lake area and a great group of 60 golfers. The event kicked off at 8:00 a.m. with a shotgun start as golfers paired up and drove their carts to assigned holes around the course.

After 18 holes, the golfers enjoyed lunch in the club house and prizes were awarded for longest drive, longest putt, closest to the pin.

Thanks to all our phriends, we were able to raise $12,000 for the The Mary Crowley Cancer Research Center


April 8 - 9 AITS Music Festival at Cedar Creek Brewery bourght singers and songwriters together for two great afternoons/evenings of music. The Detentions from Austin, Tx kicked off the event. Thom Shepherd and Coley McCabe brought it home with hit songs like Redneck Yacht Club and Saltwater Cowboy.

Sunday brought Kelly Brown, Louie Chambers and Larry Penny followed by one of favorite Tenessee bands The Southern Drawl Band. Generous donations, silent and live auction items brought in a total of over $6,000.

Angels in Tropical Shirts 2nd Annual Golf Torunament raid an addition $10,000 bring our total for the year of $16,000.


Thanks to all our phriends, we were able to raise $16,000 for the Mary Crowley Research Center's newsletter.



April 13 - 15 AITS Music Festival at Cedar Creek Brewery bourght singers and songwriters together for two great afternoons/evenings of music. Musicians included The Detentions, Larry Penny, Kelly Brown, The Bad Monkeys, Eric Boyett, Thom Shepard, Coley McCabe, Hanna's Reef and Donnie Brewer. Generous donations, silent and live auction items brought in a total of over $7,000.


April 5-7 AITS Music Festival at Whatz Up Family Event Center and Cedar Creek Brewery bourght singers and songwriters together for threee great afternoons/evenings of music. Musicians included The Detentions, Larry Penny, Kelly Brown, Don Burke, Mike Eiras, Ben Marshal, $9,000.


Cancelled due to Covid 19 concerns


Triple N Winery hosted a fundraiser for AITS. Kelly Brown and Eric Boyett played during our fundraiser. $5,0000.


Jeff & Becky Bohannon hosted a music festial fundraiser at LuckenBo's for AITS. We were able to raise over $20,0000.

Angels in Tropical Shirts Tribute

Click this link to read a special tribute to you, our Angels in tropical shirts for all the things you do to help others.

Awareness Ribbons

The ribbons we have all come to know represent many types of cancer and causes. Lavender is designated at general cancer awareness.



All you angels keep up the good work!